This Hospital Used Video to Increase Physician Referrals by 80%

This Hospital Used Video to Increase Physician Referrals by 80%
This Hospital Used Video to Increase Physician Referrals by 80%

Who: Dayton Children’s Hospital

Their Industry: Healthcare

Their Audience: Doctors

Their challenge: Dayton Children’s Hospital is a multi-specialty pediatric hospital that sees over 280,000 patients each year. They wanted to promote the opening of a new pediatric facility to encourage doctors to refer patients to the new medical office building.

Our Solution: The 4.3” Video Screen Brochure

The Main Pro: With a video that automatically plays upon opening, the 4.3” Video Screen Brochure is a dynamic and impactful way to deliver a virtual experience of a location or facility.

The Results: The Video Mailer was sent to 280 physicians. After viewing, several pediatric offices requested a tour – exactly the desired result. The video was seen by an estimated 700 people. Since the mailer, referrals by physicians to the new facility has increased by 80%!

Julie Cannon, Events Manager for Dayton Children’s Hospital and Fahlgren Mortine at DCH, described the Video Mailer as a “powerful tool for hard to reach audiences,” a description which is proving to be true, as Dayton’s Children’s Hospital has seen a very specific increase in revenue in that area in the time since the mailer initially went out.

Use video to increase your healthcare clinics healthcare referrals making sure you have the best of the best

Use video to increase your healthcare clinics healthcare referrals making sure you have the best of the best
