ExtraStep Films Wanted a Product that Stood Out, Not Thrown In The Trash

ExtraStep Films Wanted a Product that Stood Out, Not Thrown In The Trash
ExtraStep Films Wanted a Product that Stood Out, Not Thrown In The Trash

Who: ExtraStep Films

Their Industry: Business Services

Their Audience: Studio Owners

Their Challenge: Wanted a product that stood out, and to not be thrown in the trash

Our Solution: USB Well Box

The Main Pro: This Well Box has staying power and is the perfect vessel for your important flash drive


Andy Kershenblatt has been the owner and operator of ExtraStep Films for over 25 years. They’ve been filming dance recitals across the United States and offer corporate, wedding, and mitzvah services. After receiving a referral a few years ago from his graphic designer to check out Red Paper Plane, Andy decided to give it a try. It ended up being a match made in heaven.

Traveling the country to bring in new business, Andy felt like he needed something special to hand to the owners of the studios in order to stand out from the crowd. He wanted to showcase the impressive videos ExtraStep Films can provide for their clients but didn’t want to just give them a flash drive or CD with his work on it. Offering a unique package to carry his flash drive in and the ability to add even more messaging, the USB Well Box was a hit.


 USB Well Box


“It’s never fun cold-calling, especially in person, but I felt I was armed with something special, and it made the in-person presentation that much easier,” said Andy.

The USB Well Box made a big impression, and after visiting just 30 studios, Andy’s already received a few bookings worth $8,000!

“It has exceeded all expectations, and I already need to order more. Thank you, Red Paper Plane!!”

This looks like it’s the beginning of a beautiful partnership.


