Caribbean Ideas Limited, a digital business solutions company, wanted to showcase its abilities to forward-thinking Caribbean marketers and business leaders. With its annual marketing conference, Caribbean Marketing Innovation Experience (also called the MIX), on the horizon, it turned to Red Paper Plane.
This year, the MIX featured speakers from key global partners such as ESPN, We Are Social, and Live Cube, who shared critical business and marketing trends while using hands-on workshops to give participants the skills needed to implement the ideas they learn.
Gisselle Ramsaran, Caribbean Idea’s Group Manager, Knowledge and Connections, wanted to reflect the high-tech content in the conference and create a teaser for the types of technologies to which attendees would be exposed.
Ramsaran chose a mailing package that included Red Paper Plane's 3” Pop-Up Cube. The Cube was folded down, held with a zip strip, and inserted into a 6.5" x 3.75” carrier. The theme of the promotion was “Putting the Customer at the Center.” Both the carrier and the Pop-Up Cube were enhanced with augmented reality (AR) technology using the Layer app, including a full-color AR-enhanced map.
“Using Layer, you scan the Pop-Up Cube or the carrier with your phone and it takes you to this interactive media map where the buttons glow and pop up,” beams Ramsaran. “You can click on it, and get content, learn about the workshops, and get details on the conference.”
Instructions on how to download and use the app were included.
Ramsaran emphasized the use of AR, not because it’s cool (although it is), but to demonstrate how much it helps attendees be smarter marketers. “We didn't want a piece to just sit there,” she says. “We want to show recipients how they can use a lot of innovation to execute events or ‘one-up’ non-dimensional direct mail.”
Caribbean Ideas printed 125 of the mailing packages, and the reaction has been very positive. “You pull the zip strip and the cube pops up. People jump. ‘Oh, my gosh!’ Then they fold it back up and show it to someone else in the office. There is a lot of pass-along value,” says Ramsaran.
Caribbean Ideas has also found the piece to be an excellent door opener for otherwise hard-to-reach executives.