7 Best Practices For Creating Virtual Reality Mailers

7 Best Practices For Creating Virtual Reality Mailers
7 Best Practices For Creating Virtual Reality Mailers

When we talk about modern mail marketing, we want something that gives our brand a distinguishing “Wow!” factor. And nothing says “Wow!” quite as loudly as virtual reality direct mail.

With VR mail, AR (augmented reality) effectively immerses people into your unique experience, making it particularly useful for campaigns with a visual, 3D angle: Interactive tours, event previews, product demos, research findings, and more.

Plus — let’s face it — such cutting edge innovation is extremely cool. But to get those “ooh’s” and “ah’s” that you desire, you need to lay the proper groundwork with some VR mail best practices:

  1. Take strategic aim. This isn’t a cheap flyer that you’re sending out en masse. No — VR mailers should be sent to a carefully determined target audience that’s likely to respond.
  2. Forecast your ROI. On one hand of the VR experience, you have costs of production; on the other hand, the benefits. As with all marketing campaigns, make sure the latter wins out.
  3. Provide real substance. Don’t invest in VR just for the gimmick’s sake. Deliver a content experience that viewers will appreciate and cherish, not an unnecessarily elaborate ad.
  4. Generate some buzz! Your recipients are your greatest marketing resource. If you deliver on the content end, you can confidently ask & encourage viewers to share your brand online.
  5. Entice their participation. Some people may need a soft nudge to engage in VR, so highlight the benefits in your text. Maybe even add a teaser or two to spark a soft flame of curiosity.
  6. Avoid the rocket science. With many augmented reality mailers, some physical self-assembly is necessary. So keep it short and sweet; otherwise, you’ll only frustrate the user.
  7. And avoid the tech support. If the user needs an app, QR code, or URL to access the experience, make that process clear as day. Sacrificing intuitiveness for techy sizzle simply isn’t worth it.

VR Mailer

Once you’re ready to take flight, check out Red Paper Plane’s VR Mail solutions:

Our SleekPeeks® line of custom VR viewers is changing the augmented reality mailer game. With a wide range of styles and price points, we’ll find exactly what you need to supercharge your next marketing campaign.

On your end, you simply select your desired options and upload your brand’s artwork. We’ll take care of the rest! (FYI — we can even handle shipping).

Here are our main SleekPeeks® designs. Each comes equipped with Google certified lenses to enhance the viewers’ VR experience:

The Cardboard VR Viewer —Built sturdy yet comfortable, plays nice with your phone, and allows for vibrant four-color printing

The VR Viewer with Visor — Easy to assemble, made to block out that extra bit of pesky light

The VR Viewer Visor with Mailer — Same as above but it comes delivered in a fold-out pamphlet; two marketing tools wrapped in one

If you have any questions about how virtual reality direct mail works or how to incorporate it into your next campaign, we’re always happy to chat: 860-469-3200.
